DITL_132.txt Items: (3 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=316, y1=192, x2=384, y2=212 Type: 4 Info: 'OK' 1: Bounds: x1=64, y1=16, x2=388, y2=176 Type: -120 Info: 'You have used StripAmp more then 14 days. This product is distributed with the Shareware principle. If you wish to continue using StripAmp you should register it. For more details about payment and registration see the Read Me file.' 2: Bounds: x1=8, y1=8, x2=40, y2=40 Type: -96 Info: '€' DITL_131.txt Items: (2 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=192, y1=60, x2=260, y2=80 Type: 4 Info: 'OK' 1: Bounds: x1=12, y1=8, x2=260, y2=44 Type: -120 Info: 'Thank you for registering StripAmp!' DITL_130.txt Items: (2 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=264, y1=60, x2=332, y2=80 Type: 4 Info: 'OK' 1: Bounds: x1=12, y1=8, x2=332, y2=44 Type: -120 Info: 'You have entered an invalid registration code! Please check your code and try again.' DITL_129.txt Items: (6 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=260, y1=88, x2=328, y2=108 Type: 4 Info: 'OK' 1: Bounds: x1=180, y1=88, x2=244, y2=108 Type: 4 Info: 'Cancel' 2: Bounds: x1=72, y1=20, x2=328, y2=36 Type: 16 Info: 'Unregistered' 3: Bounds: x1=172, y1=48, x2=328, y2=64 Type: 16 Info: '0000-0000-0000-0000' 4: Bounds: x1=16, y1=20, x2=64, y2=36 Type: -120 Info: 'Name:' 5: Bounds: x1=16, y1=48, x2=164, y2=64 Type: -120 Info: 'Registration Number:' DITL_128.txt Items: (7 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=268, y1=180, x2=326, y2=200 Type: 4 Info: 'OK' 1: Bounds: x1=168, y1=124, x2=332, y2=144 Type: -120 Info: 'Unregistered' 2: Bounds: x1=168, y1=148, x2=332, y2=168 Type: -120 Info: '0' 3: Bounds: x1=56, y1=124, x2=164, y2=144 Type: -120 Info: 'Registered to:' 4: Bounds: x1=56, y1=148, x2=164, y2=168 Type: -120 Info: 'Serial number:' 5: Bounds: x1=8, y1=8, x2=40, y2=40 Type: -96 Info: '€' 6: Bounds: x1=56, y1=16, x2=332, y2=116 Type: -120 Info: 'StripAmp 1.0 ©1998-1999, PK Industries. All Rights Reserved. Shareware $5.'